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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Project update and other things

Epic update time!

Let's see. December was a bit gonzo, I celebrated Anne-mas which is essentially me declaring that the first 2 weeks of December were my birthday and people had to take me out to dinner or throw parties for me.

I saw Nightmare Before the Nutcracker which takes The Nutcracker and remakes it with Tim Burton characters. It was whimsical and lovely. I had a good time. I went with my friends Test Subject B and Gravimetric Rush.

I also went to Reveal of the Jedi that is put on by Geekenders and got wooed by Anita Johnson who Wookie humped me. C&C Cosplay went with me.. well no.. one of them went with me the other was on stage dressed as Yoda.

This Wookie Humped me
Then I got sick. That is a thing that happened. Then.. because when one is sick one does silly things like.. VOLUNTEERS TO HELP RUN A CONVENTION! I am officially the Programming Liaison for Northwest FanFest 2015. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!

Well, I recruit people to do panels and shows at a great convention that is happening in May. I also, network with "local" groups to get booths and other things. We are working super hard to get high quality loveliness.

I am also running 2 panels currently (there might be more things that I am producing) one is on geek girl culture which will have other "Geek Girls" on it from different things in community and then BC Superfriends is doing a Queer Geek panel.

I am still debating at West Coast Geeks vs. Nerds. My upcoming debate is for FEMEGEDDON!!! 
I am Team Captain for Team Harley Quinn for the Harley Quinn vs. Bellatrix LeStrange debate for the title of who is the most psychotic sidekick?! We have some awesome shit lined up for that freak show... ( Sidenote: Recently I have been feeling a little self-concious about my debating because I get weird mixed messages from people about my style. I am a catty bitch. It is a thing.. and some humans have said that I am TOO MUCH.. well.. guess what! I have been told by 5 random strangers and 3 people who I super respect that my type of cheerful venom is hella funny... I guess I am doing something for someones.) 

While preparing for that.. I am also helping with The Geekenders with Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical  They had to add an extra show and got to do an AMA on Reddit! SO EXCITE!

And last but not least... I joined a thing! International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club! You sign up. You get pen pals. You send pen pals things and stuff and they do the same. You write letters and take selfies of your swap. It is going to be EPIC FUN!!!! 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mudbloods - Aka: I watch a documentary about Quidditch and weep because I am Hufflepuff

I am a Hufflepuff. I have always been a Hufflepuff. When the Harry Potter books came out, I was Hufflepuff. When Warner Bros. released the movies and I obsessively set up an account and took the personality test, I was a Hufflepuff. Pottermore came out, I got sorted Hufflepuff. I have extreme Badger Pride. I want to get it tattooed onto my back in Old English or Harry Potter Font. I am currently wearing this t-shirt.
Yes, that is a Hufflepuff Honeybadger shirt. We don't care, We don't give a fuck. We take what we want.

Needless to say, if there is anything to do with Harry Potter I am going to be a fan of it. I grew up being an outsider most of my life. I was raised Pagan. Legit. I am a Witch. I had a handfasting instead of a Muggle wedding. Having a book speak to being accepted for being not "normal" and then have that book be so popular means the world to me. Being an adult fan of Harry Potter also brings certain things to light when I talk to people about how much I love Harry Potter. You can tell fans from nonfans. The moment I say anything related to HP I either get shade or light! Watching Mudbloods, was 1.25 hours of light! 

It is the story of the UCLA Quidditch team's journey to the 5th annual Quidditch World Cup in NYC. I was completely enthralled the entire time. My face was a constant wide grinned dopey smile. I have a hard time with the sportsing culture. However... I will happy watch Quidditch all the time. I want that shit on ESPN/TSN ALL THE TIME! I have friends who are Quidditch players and after seeing this movie I solomnely vow to go to every game I can muster. I also want to college team shirts because OMG QUIDDITCH!!!!!!! I also, because I am a sap, love the UCLA Quidditch : Friendship is Magic aspect of the documentary. I audibly gasped when the player from UCLA got a head injury during world cup! THE DRAMA OF IT! Also, OMG THAT IS A LOT OF BLOOD! 

In the end, when they did the where are they now part of the documentary I had a single tear running down my cheek. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Rebranding and what is new with me...

I have been a busy bee. In the last two years I have become something of a very minor local geek "celebrity". Being a flaming extrovert has also afforded me the ability to make lots of amazingly lovely and awesome connections.  With this I have also become very aware that... People know me. With this, I have decided that I should probably work on that public image and work to make my very minor fame. So, I am going to start blogging on the regular. I started a Facebook (Geeklebutante) page. I am going to link Twitters and Instagrams and things. 

OoooOoooooo, look at her.. she has gotten all fancy and shit! Yup! That's me!

What have I been up to?!

Well, it started when I moved to Canada. I became friends with the now defunked BC Browncoats. Which over time turned into NerdHQ  which is a local geeky fandom themed community centre in the Metro Vancouver area. 

The Husband and I at the NerdHQ/ BC Superfriends Halloween Party as Rocket and Groot

NerdHQ Events!
Through that... I was then introduced to the wonderful world of FANDOM DEBATES! Produced by West Coast Geeks versus Nerds in which I decided that I was going to be brave and apply to debate for their annual FEMMEGEDEON show! The debate was Samus vs Ripley.  I was on Team Ripley. I lost but I loved the experience so much that I decided that this was my version of becoming a sports star. I was going to do these debates by gummit! That night I also met some of the most lovely, amazing, kind, caring, generous, compassionate, funny people in the world. And that is when I knew that I had found "my people" and that Vancouver was my homeland. 

Look! pictures of me at West Coast Geeks versus Nerds Things!

Team Ripley 

Team Mario

Team Cthulhu

Me with MooMan because I won a caption contest.. I was dressed as Pinkie Pie (complete with her "Pity Party" from the episode where she loses her shit)

I won a thing!

A Sasquatch like picture of me dressed as Callie from BSG. I was on Team Adama

Me dressed up as a Geeks versus Nerds ``Ms. Frizzle`` showing proof that Ms. Frizzle is River Song

Team Captain for Team Velma
From what it looks like, I am saying something very funny and breaking people brains for Team Blackwidow

I won a thing again! I also am dressed up as Leaf Mario complete with cute tail that you can't see 

Team Rocket Raccoon! WE WON! 

I also met, Justin, that night. After that, a while after that. Justin and I were talking late one night like you do, and we was talking about how he had started a new group that was dedicated to making geek culture more inclusive to women, people of colour and the LGBTQ+ community. I got extremely excited and immediately volunteered to help. With that I became involved with BC Superfriends. I now do a whole bunch of work and enjoy a fair amount of warm fuzzy feels about it. It also, because I am an extreme extrovert gives me a change to make even more amazingly lovely connections with amazingly lovely people. 
BC Superfriends Logo

Vancouver Pride 2014 - Justin and I met Justin Trudeau. Justin is dressed as Maleficent and I am dressed as Rainbow Dash
The day before pride cleaning up The Love Bus and posing with our cute shirts and awesome signs
And now.. I am just really well known for not having any shame, enjoying dressing up in public and making a fool of myself. I seriously will probably do anything once and most likely twice... and then a few more times after that. 

What is in the future?! 

BC Superfriends will be doing panels this upcoming year on Queer Identities. I am going to be doing that with Justin. I am also trying to get a panel up and running showcasing Geek Girl culture and what is awesome about it and what kinda sucks about it. I will still be doing debates because that shit is my jam. I did stage kittying for Geekenders which is a Geek Burlesque Troupe! and I quite enjoyed that! I will probably volunteer to do that again. Beyond that, I am going to use my minor local geek celebrity status to promote, connect, and entertain.



Sunday, November 2, 2014

I haven't blogged in two years...

...and this is why.

I spent the last two years building an amazing life, doing amazing things and filling it with amazing people.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A fine bit of MetaBlogging...

First off.

I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!! Kinda.. I have been transferred to a new division so now, I do not have to rage murder people I work with for being stupid. This is a plus.

Second off.. where the hell did 2012 go. It is November!

I learned how to do the Thriller Dance.. and then did it in public..

I started a blog with Peter about how he has celiacs.

Um, I am part of a new Meetup Group that promotes cross fandom/nerdom cooperation.

I am amping up for the winter, which should mean, nerdy ornaments, more gluten free baking and possibly drunk snowtubing for my birthday.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Boring life for an exciting girl.. something has got to give.

Last time I managed the post on this blog, it was just after Father's Day.. and a lot has "happened".

Peter and I are STILL PLAYING THAT DAMN GAME OF RISK! and by playing it I mean.. we haven't touched it since. and I am pretty sure that we will never play it again.

The husband got diagnosed with Celiac's Disease. I was told that I wasn't allergic to everything in the world.. just wheat and wheat type products, eggs and milk. We are still making adjustments to our lifestyle to accommodate this.

Pincushion has changed his living habits.. and has completely and totally forsaken his beloved wheel. He has now taking up "pedestrianism" and started doing a circuit of patrolling the habitat.

Zilly, is Zilly. She just is chillin' like a villain most of the time.

I have 9 more days until something epically life changing is going to happen to me workwise.

I still have a Pinterest addiction... it makes my StumbleUpon addiction jealous.

You should read this really interesting article about Dennis Hopper.. the photographer.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A lot can happen in a girls life in a month...

I have  CBAD. What is CBAD, you my ask? It is Compulsive Blogger Apology Disorder. It is when a blogger is lazy, and apologizes at the beginning of most of their posts.

Lets see what is new..

I started a blog with my friend Andrea. It is called AnneVsAndrea. We challenge each other to do things and then we blog about it. It is pretty cool, you should check it out.

I found Pinterest.. and now spend about 30 minutes a day staring at cool shit I may never have.

Wil Wheaton, talked in a podcast about this card game that is "free" called Card Against Humanity. It is like Apples to Apples, but for all of the wrong people in your life. How can you not love a game where one of the cards is "two midgets shitting in a bucket"?

I started reading a self-help book by Chris Hardwick, called The Nerdist Way. It is amazing.

I started playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, 2 months ago.. and I am almost done with it.

I have started a new obsession with the game Risk. I against boys in foreign countries online.. and last night, started playing a game with my husband and my father ( who came up for Father's Day). Even though my dad is a military minded gentlemen with many hours logged watching The History Channel, I wiped the floor with him.. and now my husband and I are at a "Mexican Standoff". We are quite literally "fighting in a land war in Asia", which is one thing you are never supposed to do, along with "go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line".

This is what the situation is right now, on my kitchen table.

This is how you play Risk

This is what it will be like, when I am old, and "Reliving my glory days" to my children.

But for the most part, my life is footloose and fancy free.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


This morning I popped onto YouTube to see what has updated that might pique my interest... and I came across this lovely short about a man documenting his life as if it was a nature show. My Husband and I, do this all the time... but we don't film it.

In this world, where the internet is the prime mode, I feel like doing an old school documentary would be so neat, but if I wanted anyone to see it I would have put up on the internet, thus negating the point. :(

Ok, off to document some other things about my life.. like.. what I eat.. and whatever..

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Need To Survive

Good Morning Blog Readers.
I want to talk to you about something very important. The zombie apocalypse. It is going to happen. It may not happen during my life time, but it will happen I assure you. Because, I am very sure of this fact, I have convinced some of my nearest and dearest who then in return convinced some of their nearest and dearest to start a survival skills learning group for the urbanite.

We are going to learn important skills like:
Archery (bows and arrows)
Marksmanship (guns and bullets)
Lock picking
Foraging for fungus, edible plants and medicinal plants in the region that we will probably have to forage in.
Orienteering and topographical map reading.
Knot tying.
Gardening (including Hydroponics).
Seed Bombing/Moss Graffiti.
Canning and other methods of food preserving.
Basic shelter building.
First Aid / CPR
and so on and so forth.

Now, here is the deal, I am doing this because I fear the apocalypse, I just know that as fat modern people, we have lost the important skills that will make the difference between surviving and not surviving when something terrible happens.

It is important that you have a survival kit in your house/car/work for when there is a disaster. You should have 3 days worth of food/water/medical supplies. 

Start getting ready for the end of days kids.. because it is a comin'

Morning Has Broken...

Like the first morning.

Good Morning,

Listen to some Cat Stevens. Eat some oatmeal. Have a cup of coffee. Eat a banana. Watch the morning news.

Marvel at this upside down house that is in Australia.

Have a moment of silence and read the condolences of people who are more fortunate than you are.. to the friends, family and fans of a music pioneer.

Talk about Cabin in the Woods.. OMG THAT MOVIE WAS SO AMAZING! If you are a Joss Whedon fan, you need to watch it. When you watch it, play, OH OH! I KNOW THAT ACTOR FROM JOSS WHEDON SHOWS! Also, think about how what you are watching.. is what is going on at Wolfram and Hart.. it adds to it.

Pin some stuff on Pinterest.

Be really happy that yesterday you found a source for one of your favorite candies. ( I am in love with Choward's Violet Mints.)

Take a shower.. Go to work... Go to your favorite coffee shop after work and watch Robin Hood (the awesome Disney version.

Go to bed.